
Yogurt with apricot jam

I like to make my own yogurt at home, It 's very easy and gives me control over what ingredients I like to do or do not.

Yogurt with apricot jam

My yogurt is made by an electric yogurt maker, but you can also make it without using the machine if not having it.

Basic yogurt recipe:

5 cups of whole milk
1 cup of yogurt
4 tblspoons of milk powder

What I add:
4 tblspoons of sugar
vanilla flavor
apricot jam

Add yogurt to milk and mix it with milk powder, vanilla flavor and sugar.
Put one tblspoon of apricot jam into each yogurt container and add the mixture milk-yogurt.
Place the covered containers into the heating base. Cover the yogurt maker and process for 10 hours.
After processing, place the containers in the refrigirator 4 hours to thicken. Keep yogurt refrigerated until use.

Good tasting

10 commentaires:

Yasmeen a dit…

WaAlaikum Salaam touria,
hope you are having a blessed Ramadan.The yogurt with jam looks delish :D

~Lexibule~ a dit…

Très appétissant et bien meilleur fait maison:) xxx

Touria a dit…

salam yasmeen
thanks for visiting muy blog
happy and blessed ramadan too

Touria a dit…

bonoir lexibule
merci de ton passage
passe une bonne soirée

Nora a dit…

Bravooo touria, ton blog est superbe machaallah 3lik. Je suis contente de l'avoir découvert.
Je te souhaite une bonne continuation.

Sourour a dit…

Ravie de decouvrir ton 2eme blog culinaire une vraie entree dans ta cuisine qui degage un parfum et une saveur toujours aussi acceuillante et amicale bisousallah ibareq bisous bonne fin de semaine
beautiful ton blog

sabah a dit…

Delicious! it looks yummy.
Thanks for sharing.

sabah a dit…

Thanks Touria, I pasted the link already, so that I can easily come and visit you.

Touria a dit…

thanks sabah you are welcome my dear

sabah a dit…

Hi Touria, thanks for your visit, I wish a HAPPY El Eid to you and to all your lovers.